You will be featured on the Spark non-profit web pages you sponsor when you sign up, and gain exposure to their supporters as they point their network to their Spark web page. This ongoing exposure over time produces new business for you when one or more of the supporters chooses your business because of your pledged donation. As a part of your overall marketing strategy, Spark helps you show your heart for your community and differentiate yourself from others in your industry. This “standing out from the crowd” can make a huge difference in your ongoing business growth over time.
Some business leaders chose to leverage Spark by getting involved with their non-profit as a volunteer or board member. Your own networking within the non-profit, and sharing the story of your Spark partnership within the organization can help increase the amount of results you see.
A portion of your membership fee will also immediately be applied to the Spark Giving Fund creating ongoing donations to our non-profits. You will receive the stories of how these non-profits are impacting lives and be able to share them on your own social networks.