Let your favorite non-profits spread the word about your business
When you join Spark Giving, you get to connect with non-profits who will point their supporters, board members and staff towards your business. You, in turn, make a pledge of how much you are willing to donate back to their organization every time you close a transaction with someone they send.
We’ve made this simple
Discover in two minutes how Spark Giving works.
In this quick and easy process we help you pick your non-profit partners and decide your pledge amount for new clients they send.
Let your favorite non-profits spread the word about your business to their supporters, staff and board members.
How it works for Businesses
We know how exhausting it is for real estate professionals to keep the pipeline full of new potential clients.
Do you feel like you are constantly having to hunt for new clients?
Are you tired of overpriced, garbage lead generators?
Do you wake up in the morning struggling to find the meaning in it all?
It doesn’t have to be this way! You should be able to grow your business in a heartfelt and meaningful way.
The founders of Spark Giving have worked in the real estate industry for decades. We were tired and burned out from it all too. That’s why we decided to do something different. We partnered with non-profits in a meaningful way and grew our business to the top 1% of our market in the process. We created Spark Giving as a tool to help you do the same.
Why Spark Giving?
Spark Giving emerged from a friendship of two individuals, one with a background in real estate and the other from the non-profit sector. Both had a passion for supporting non-profit organizations. Together they created a model for joining these two groups through a program that effortlessly generates much needed funds for those serving others. Read more.
Free to non-profits, simple to understand and set up, it has already generated thousands of dollars for worthy groups while also helping real estate professionals in their careers.
It is the ultimate win-win.
Spark Giving offers a process where, once featured on a non-profits Spark web page, a portion of the real estate professional’s earnings from these new transactions are pledged to go back to the organization. As the donation comes from the professional’s normal fee, It costs neither the non-profit nor the client a dime. Spark is compensated through the real estate professional who pays a small monthly membership fee to participate in the program.
Because homes are bought, sold, financed, built, insured and remodeled every day and they represent significant dollars, the designated amounts can be significant, lump sum donations. This represents a source of revenue that is outside of the non-profit’s normal fundraising efforts and can present a steady stream through a variety of sources—supporters, friends, family, board members and employees choosing to work with one of these sponsor businesses.
Real estate professionals are always interested in making new connections with new groups of people. By developing a long-term connection with a non-profit, they are introduced to a fresh circle of people that might have been outside of their reach.
Without having to “sell”, supporters of non-profits are sent to them‚ and this is the best of all possible worlds for Realtors, lenders, builders, insurance agents and the like. Non-profits may invite all real estate professionals in their network to be featured on their Spark web page which creates an even playing field for all, eliminating any conflict of interest businesses often feel.
A secondary benefit is also significant. Millennials and others are often choosing to work with businesses who will give back as a part of their business strategy and the Spark Giving program has proven to grab their attention.
Real estate professionals keep the remaining portion of their earnings after making a donation. A common scenario would be a business who pledges 20% of their earnings as a donation to a non-profit. As an example, a supporter of a non-profit visits their Spark web page and chooses to work with a Realtor featured there. Together they close a home sale earning the Realtor $10,000. The Realtor has pledged 20% so she donates $2,000 (20%) and keeps the remaining $8,000. This also works with all forms of real estate business though the amounts, of course, will vary. Lenders, insurance agents, contractors, builders, home inspectors (etc) can all make sustainable pledged donations allowing them to keep a significant portion of their earnings, building their business while making a difference in their community.
And finally, everyone feels good about supporting those who serve others. The professionals involved in the program enjoy the opportunity to give as much as those who receive their donations.
The donations are also tax-deductible for the businesses.
Northwest Youth Services, a non profit serving homeless youth, was building a new shelter and seeking to raise funds for construction. After joining the program, the head of the board for Northwest Youth Services sent her sister through the program. Her sister was looking to move into town and chose a Realtor who had pledged 20% of their fee to NWYS. Her sister bought a home with this Realtor and upon closing of the home sale the Realtor donated $5000 (20% of their $25,000 earnings) to NWYS.
If you have already been invited to be a sponsor on a specific non-profits site, they will send you a custom link to sign up and connect. If you have not been invited by a non-profit, when you sign up with Spark you select which non-profits you want to sponsor. You can select as many non-profits as you want. You will then be featured on their custom Spark web pages.
The founders of Spark Giving know first-hand the challenges of running real estate businesses as well as the challenges non-profit organizations face with raising money. For that reason we have combined the strengths and advantages of both and have developed a system that many have found to be a meaningful part of their ongoing business.
Let’s talk today and get answers to all of your questions.
- How much should I pledge?
This amount is up to you. Potential customers will be able to see what each professional is pledging and choose one. Think of it like a free market of generosity. We suggest 20% of net proceeds as a starting point. The larger the pledge the more compelling the offer will be to potential new customers, but the amount should be sustainable for your business to be able to grow and thrive.
- How quickly can I expect results?
You will be featured on the Spark non-profit web pages you sponsor when you sign up, and gain exposure to their supporters as they point their network to their Spark web page. This ongoing exposure over time produces new business for you when one or more of the supporters chooses your business because of your pledged donation. As a part of your overall marketing strategy, Spark helps you show your heart for your community and differentiate yourself from others in your industry. This “standing out from the crowd” can make a huge difference in your ongoing business growth over time.
Some business leaders chose to leverage Spark by getting involved with their non-profit as a volunteer or board member. Your own networking within the non-profit, and sharing the story of your Spark partnership within the organization can help increase the amount of results you see.
A portion of your membership fee will also immediately be applied to the Spark Giving Fund creating ongoing donations to our non-profits. You will receive the stories of how these non-profits are impacting lives and be able to share them on your own social networks.
- Is there a minimum for the pledge amount?
There is no official minimum. The amount you choose should reflect your generosity while keeping it doable for your business. For example, some businesses are pledging 20% of net proceeds. This should be a win-win situation for both you and your non-profit.
- What if I want to be featured on multiple non-profit pages?
When you sign up for membership with Spark, you have the option to be featured on multiple non-profit pages.
- What if the consumer wants to use the Spark Program but already has their own real estate professional?
If they are already actively working with a professional then the program will not work for them. If they would like to suggest their professional become a member of Spark they can send them to our website where the professional can sign up.
- What qualifies as a real estate professional?
Businesses include Realtors/brokers, builders, home remodelers, contractors (of all sorts who work on homes, land and buildings. Think plumbers, electricians, waterproofers, carpenters etc.), landscapers, lenders, architects, inspectors, insurance agents, appraisers, title agents and the like.
- Who gets the tax receipt?
The professional who makes the pledged donation will get the receipt.
Easy, Affordable Pricing
For as little as $49 per month you have complete access to the Spark Giving turnkey system. For this minimal fee, you get exposure for your business to the member network of the non-profit with whom you choose to partner.
When you join Spark Giving:
Your favorite non-profits begin working to send you new clients.
You begin a meaningful relationship with these non-profits providing you new networking opportunities.
You get your own personalized Spark web page linked to your partner non-profits’ pages. Here you can share about your business and your heart for giving back. Your own personal website can be linked as well for SEO benefits.
A portion of your Spark membership fee (combined with others) will be donated to one of our Spark non-profits each month. You will receive the inspiring stories of how these non-profits are using the donations to make a difference.
You will know the great feeling that comes with being a part of a community of generosity.
Join today! For a limited time we are offering:
1 free additional non-profit feature when you sign up (for a total of 2).
Invite other business professionals and receive 1 additional free non-profit feature for every new person you recruit!